The Cord King Guarantee

At Cord King, we stand by our work. That’s why we’re proud to offer a lifetime warranty on the splitting chamber of each and every firewood processor we make. We take pride in our work and we know it’s the best firewood processor money can buy. Our cutting chambers are built to last, and we want you to get many years of dependable production out of them.

If your splitting chamber is damaged to the point it needs repair or replacement, we’ll get you a new one, free of charge, to ensure you get the performance you need from your processor. We also offer a three-year warranty on all engines, and a 1-year bumper-to-bumper warranty on all other components.

Cord King Guarantee

Parts Available The Next Day

Because each and every Cord King component is built on-site, we can have a replacement part available to you the day after you place an order. Don’t get stuck with weeks of downtime waiting on a shipment! Our replacement parts can be shipped out the moment they’re built, making sure you can get back to work in no time.