Log splitting machines can drastically improve your firewood production.

Find the Right Log Splitting Machine to Suit Your Firewood Needs

If you’re in the market for a log splitting machine that will provide sufficient yields of high-quality firewood, forget the axe and explore the many options for log splitting machines. Whether you’re splitting logs for commercial use, or you’re stocking up your firewood supply at home, there are a variety of hydraulic log splitting machine types available to meet your firewood needs.

By splitting logs into sizes that promote efficient seasoning and burning, a log splitting machine produces high yields of quality firewood easily and safely without the strenuous work of splitting wood by hand. Here are a few important factors to consider when choosing your new log splitting machine:

Internal Combustion Engines vs. Electric Motors

Planning on going mobile, away from electrical sources? Then you’re going to want a splitter that uses an internal combustion engine. If you’ve got a generator that can support the machine, you can opt for electric motors. Some log splitting machines can be powered directly by another vehicle. In this case, they run off a truck or tractor’s power take-off box.

For log splitting at home, both types of machines will work. But if you choose one with an electric motor, make sure you have a proper outlet that can supply the required energy (i.e. 220 volts).

Power and Function

Hydraulic log splitting machines are rated based on their maximum hydraulic force. This is the amount of force produced by the hydraulic pistons. These ratings are in tons, and higher ratings can split larger and harder logs. For small logs (for example, 12-inch diameter, 24 inches long) 16+ tons is recommended. For larger logs, a log splitting machine are available in a variety of capacities, including 42 tons, 58 tons, and 72 tons.

These higher ratings make it much easier to split hard and large logs while providing larger yields. Log splitting machines that can be used both vertically and horizontally will also make your job much easier. The horizontal setting allows you to load wood easily from a tall wood pile or the back of a truck, and also makes it easier to position logs for better splitting precision. The vertical setting allows for easier loading of larger, heavier logs, and those that are located closer to the ground.

Pick the Right Size

The number of cords you plan on producing helps determine the size of machine you’ll need. The size of logs you use and the strength of the wood also play a role. A general rule of thumb when choosing size and power is: the larger the machine, the greater the yield. Be realistic when deciding on size and capacity. Use a machine with a 20-ton splitter  to split hard wood more than 24 inches in diameter.

When you’re ready to order your new log splitting machine, remember these tips to make sure you choose the best type for your firewood needs.

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